Friday, January 28, 2005

Fighting For Principal

This recent stand by 13 Democrats against the nomination of Condoleeza Rice has really got me steamed. To start a term in such contentious fashion, fighting a cause which they admit on the floor of the Senate they do not hope to win, is outrageous.

How much better could it have been to state their objections for the record, to air their concerns, but not in a bellicose manner, not in a way that invites derision and signals an intent to fight on every issue, even when there is no intent to change the minds and hearts of those to whom they are speaking?

We'll never know; because we are so entrenched in government of the parties by the parties and for the parties, that we have forgotten that decisions made and even debated affect all of the PEOPLE, and that is who the government is supposed to be of, for, and by.

Our voice in government has been supplanted by the voice of the political party.

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